Our men's ministry is mainly focused on men in the church praying for and encouraging each other in the name of Jesus. We have Bible Study on the 1st and 3rd Sundays of each month in the evening from 6-7pm at the church. We plan several events and meals for the men each year, and we strive to provide an environment that is both diverse in interests, but focused entirely on fellowship in Jesus.
This world can be a very challenging place for Christians. Thankfully, the Lord Jesus has blessed us with loving relationships through the local church that will last for an eternity. These relationships aren't built around common interests or personal similarities. No, the bond that ties these relationships together is the bond of our Lord Jesus, infused by the Holy Spirit in the hearts of all those who are saved.
Our men's ministry is meant to encourage these relationships and to provide a setting where they can begin to flourish. If you'd like to know more about our Men's Ministry, please call the church at 937-437-1171.