Youth Night Miami - 2025
7th-12th Grade All Nighter
Rock Wall
Ping Pong
Corn Hole
Gym Games
…and more!
Leave Church @ 6:45pm
Return @ 7am
Spring Break Dodgeball
All the kids, 3rd through 6th grade are invited to come play dodgeball on Tuesday April 1st.
Tuesday, April 1st, Dropoff 12:30, Pickup 2:30pm
Men's Trip - Airforce Museum
The men will be heading to the Airforce Museum. There is no cost for the trip, other than what you spend to grab lunch with us on the way home. We’ll leave at 9am and return at 3pm.
Easter Sunrise Service
We'll be outdoors, weather permitting, for a half-hour sunrise service with breakfast to follow. Our normal service at 10:45 will follow later in the morning.
Spring Church Fellowship
Our Spring Fellowship returns with a euchre tournament, games, and the 2nd Annual Hot-Wings Musical Chairs!
Summer Kids Event: The Trails Minigolf
Attention all kids in 3rd to 6th grade! Join us for a fun trip to The Trails Minigolf in Kettering on Tuesday, June 10th. We’ll leave from the church at 9:30am and return by 1pm. For just $10, you'll enjoy a round of minigolf, two slices of pizza, ice cream, and a drink. Sign up in the back hallway, and see Pastor Reggie for more details!
Invite-A-Friend Sunday
Join us for Sunday Morning Service, followed by a cookout and outdoor fellowship! Bring a side dish to share with others and enjoy the day with us.
Summer Kids Event #2: Wading Pool Kickball
Join us on June 24th from 1-2:30pm at the church for Wading Pool Kickball! It's going to be a blast, and everyone's invited. For more details, see Pastor Reggie. Don't miss out on the fun!
Men's Golf Outing
The men will have their annual golf scramble outing on Jun 28th. The cost will be $30/person and we’ll start at 9am. Afterwards we’ll have lunch, prizes, and devotion at the church.
Men's Prayer Breakfast
Join us for breakfast at the church and prayer before the morning service.
Summer Kids Event #3: Bowling
We plan to bowl at Richmond 40-Bowl with the kiddos - drop them off and pick them up at the bowling alley!
Men's Campout @FBCNP
Join us for a campout at the Church. We’ll have dinner and breakfast the following morning, and we’ll sing and share together around the campfire.
Men's Prayer Breakfast
Join us for breakfast and prayer in the back of the church before our Morning Service!
Boys' Overnighter
Boys, 3rd thru 6th grade - Overnighter at the Church!
See Pastor Steve for more info.
Women's Axe Throwing
The women are going out to throw axes and eat dinner! They will meet at Triaxe Throwing in Richmond (821 East Main St).
Summer Kids Event #4 Movie Night @ High Street
Alright kiddos! Join us for Summer Kids Event #4 - our last hurrah before school starts: Movie Night at our High Street location with Pastor Steve! We’ll start at 7pm!
Men's Bowling Night
The Men will go bowling from 6-8pm at Richmond 40-Bowl. The cost will be $10 per person and will include 2-hours of pizza and bowling!
Presidents Day Gameday (Kids)
The kids have the day off school! We’ll have pizza and games from Noon to 2pm on Presidents Day (Feb 17th). We will be praying for our country’s leaders.
Parents Night Out
Drop the kids off at the church at 5:30. We'll provide dinner - enjoy a night out and pick the kiddos up at 9pm.
Youth Family Fellowship - Camp Mahanaim (Indoors)
Youth AND THEIR FAMILIES are invited to join us for a fellowship time at 6:30pm at Camp Mahanaim (Indoors) on Friday, 1/17. We will be having a time of devotion, followed by Laser Tag, Rockwall Climbing, Cards, Games, and Pizza!
Youth Thanksgiving (High Street)
Friday, Nov 22nd from 6:30-8:30 at High Street
Food, Games, and Fellowship.
(see nathan with questions)
(Partner with 2 or 3 friends to prepare a dessert, we will vote on a winner)
Community Thanksgiving Dinner
We’ll gather at 6:30pm at National Trail High School for our annual Community Thanksgiving Dinner.
Church Fall Festival
We’ll have our annual Church Fall Festival on Sunday Evening with games, food, and fun!